
Interior design can be a struggle.

We’ve heard the advice: keep it neutral, don’t do anything out of the ordinary. No one will buy your home if there’s anything but white on the walls. ALWAYS consider the next owner of your house before making any interior design decisions.

How did we come to the conclusion that the place we live should feel temporary? That we should be putting as much (or more) thought into what someone else might think when we make decisions about renovating our spaces. Now, understandably, it’s possible that you’re planning a move, and in that case you should absolutely be considering how to get the most value out of your investment. Creating a blank slate can help others imagine themselves at home in a space that doesn’t yet belong to them…

…but no one should live in a blank slate because someone somewhere in the future might prefer it that way.

personal style

“a house is so much more than a mere shelter, it should lift us emotionally and spiritually”

-John Saladino

Your home is your sanctuary. It’s the place you go to be yourself, to unwind your mind from a day of filling someone else’s needs. Your home should inspire you. The people in it and the things you surround yourself with are important pieces of who you are and where you come from. There is no one like you and your home should reflect that.

We offer interior design and build custom spaces, and even we sometimes fall prey to designing for the masses over designing for the individual, so what are some ways you can break out the everyday, and truly create something extraordinary?

personal style in design

“The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them.”

-David Hicks

Don’t be afraid of colour

Interior designer Ruthie Sommers said “Colour is the least expensive thing to put in a house”, and she’s right. It doesn’t cost much to paint your walls, or fill your home with wallpapers and fabrics.

Guess what? Green cabinets don’t cost any more than white ones.

Now, as a custom cabinetry shop, we realize this statement might stir up some controversy. We build cabinets that are made to last decades, but if we’re being completely honest, the only colour that is immune to the constant flux that is “the current style”… is white. White kitchens are lovely. They’re classic. We sell more white cabinets than any other colour, and if style longevity is important to you, then definitely choose white for those expensive renovation pieces.

interior design style

Colours come and go, woods and stains fade in and out of style (and some never come back again).

If you don’t want white… then choose any colour you love, because no matter what you choose, it won’t be “in” for long (if it was ever “in” at all). Only a few short years ago everything was grey. Cabinets were grey, walls were grey, everyone was using the laminate plank flooring in various shades of grey. Every home renovation show on TV was all about the benefits of grey. People chose grey, not because they loved it, but because they were told it was the right decision. “Grey will modernize your space!”, “Buyers love grey!” It wasn’t that long ago, but still, grey is gone. Warmer natural wood tones are back and the greys have all but disappeared.

The point of this story is not to dissuade you from using grey, it’s to highlight that it’s more important to invite the colours you love into your home than it is to be current and on trend. This doesn’t mean you can’t use neutral colours, or that you have to be wild and colourful, just find the ones that speak to you and make you feel at home. It can feel easier to choose neutrals because they’re more socially accepted, but maybe it’s worth taking a detour.

The longevity of your choices are directly related to how much you love them.

unique interior design

Say no to “decorating” and yes to “curating”

“A room should start a conversation before people actually start exchanging words” – Barry Dixon

We get it, that big piece of art at Homesense is the right colour and it’s a great price for how big it is (and we’re supposed to have big art, right?), but does it make you feel anything? When you look at it, does it inspire you? Does it evoke memories of anything at all? When you invite someone into your home, does it start a conversation or tell them something about you?

Sometimes we get confused about the things we own. We collect things we love, and puzzle over how to store them in organized cabinets and closets, and simultaneously cover our walls with generic artwork that means nothing to us. In a few years, we’ll tire of it and replace it with something else that momentarily strikes our fancy. Two problems can be solved with one flip of your mindset. Using the things you collect as part of your decor creates a space that is unique, personal and beautiful.

design your home

Even if you don’t “collect” anything, everyone has items they cherish. Whether that’s memories of travel (photographs or souvenirs), linens that have been handed down from your grandmother, or artwork that actually spoke to you… curating and displaying items that are special to you gives your home a flavour no one else can replicate.

“Your home should feel collected, not decorated” (Albert Hadley), so spend less time shopping and more time being inspired to find ways to use the things you hold dear.

Start small

No one says you have to tear it all down and start again (though we’re here for you when that time comes), but start somewhere. Change your thinking. Try something new. Find a way to display something you love. As you slowly bring pieces of yourself into the forefront of your home, you might just realize how much you like it. Try something bold. Add a splash of colour you love and see what happens.

Take inspiration from one of those interior design images you gravitate to, and find ways to bring that flavour into your home. Paint an old piece of furniture, add a patterned wallpaper to a wall or two. You can make a big difference in a few hours with a small budget, and it will give you a chance to explore your own unique style.

renovation interior style

Take courage and jump.

It takes confidence to do something outside the norm, and we’ll never tell you otherwise. It takes courage to be yourself.

If you want to go big, we’re ready to go big with you. We can help you break through walls (literally and figuratively) and build that home you’ve been dreaming of. We can help you take the things that inspire you and pull the pieces together into a space that makes you feel like you’ve finally come home.

Your space.

What does that space look like for you? Colourful? Moody? Comforting and nostalgic? Zen? Minimalist? Boho? A single style or a personalized blend?

It can seem scary to open yourself up like that. To show yourself to the people you invite in, but we’d wager that it’s worth it.

custom renovation

“It is better to fail in originality than succeed in imitation”

– Herman Melville

You have permission to deviate. You don’t have to fit into a mold. You are allowed to be unique and enjoy the ways you’re different. What interior images do you gravitate to? When you’re scrolling Pinterest or Instagram, or flipping through a magazine, what spaces take your breath away? Take note of them. Maybe those spaces are the place to start.

We want to start a trend. A trend where we stop trying to design our homes to be “right”… to look like everyone else’s, to feel impersonal and sanitized and perfect. Instead, let’s embrace what makes us each unique… our creativity, our hopes and dreams and memories. Let’s build homes that envelop us, inspire us, and project who we are to everyone we invite inside.

Let your house be your story. Don’t just hold it for the next person.

 At Gateway Kitchen + Bath, we build custom spaces designed for you. We believe in Honesty, Accuracy, Collaboration and Innovation and want nothing more than for you to feel at home in your space. With a large team and 40 years of experience, we work with you through all the steps of your project, from conception and design to final completion. Contact us for more information or help with your next project!